
  • Toys that Teach! Shape Sorter

    ~ Shape Sorter ~  Ways to Foster Development of Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy Goals! Requesting, Visual Scanning, Shape Discrimination, Hand-eye Coordination, and Multi-Tasking Address speech goals! Name the shapes Requesting stating “more” for short phrases or “I want more/the circle/square please” for longer phrases/requests. Counting the number of shapes Following instructions to get a […]

  • Toys that Teach! Twister

    ~ Twister~ 3 ways to Foster Development of Motor Planning, Body Awareness, Strength and Coordination We all know the classic game that makes you move like a pretzel! This game is a fantastic tool for teaching color identification, right/left discrimination, motor planning, body and spatial awareness, and working on strength all while having a fun […]

  • Toys That Teach! Scooter Board

    ~ Scooter Board~ 5 ways to Foster Development of Physical Strength and Coordination Remember when we were in school and played scooter board soccer? Who knew how many other uses there were for these toys! Here are a few great strengthening and coordination activities you can use these for inside and outside! 1. Prone Pulls. […]

  • Toys That Teach! Bubbles

    ~ Bubbles~ 5 ways to Foster Speech & Language Development What can I say….. Kids LOVE bubbles! And the great thing about bubbles? Because kids do love bubbles, they can be used to help support speech and language development. I’m going to share 5 ways you as a parent can use bubbles to help your […]

  • Happy Occupational Therapy Month!

      What do our Pediatric Occupational Therapists do? Occupational therapists are professionals who help in day-to-day activities and to develop, maintain, and improve skills needed for daily living. Pedaitric physical therapists are experts in helping children achieve fine motor, sensory, play, self-care, and social-emotional skills through play-based skilled occupational therapy treatment. “Occupation” is not typically […]

  • Celebrating our Physical Therapists in October! Happy National Physical Therapy Month!

    What do our Pediatric Physical Therapists do? Physical therapists are movement specialists, and they “help children of all abilities participate and reach their unique potential” – ChoosePT. Our physical therapists are experts in helping children achieve gross motor milestone and independent mobility goals through play-based skilled physical therapy training including specialty training in movement, strength, […]

  • Gift Guide for Sensory Seekers and Sensory Avoiders

    The holidays are around the corner, and our therapists at Therapy Innovations have put together a comprehensive holiday gift guide for parents this holiday season. Our therapists have curated a list of therapists approved developmental toys and activities. We have eight sensory systems in our body; the visual system, auditory system (hearing), olfactory system (smell), […]

  • New Mobile Clinic Coming Soon

    Do you work with families with transportation issues? No Problem! Let us go to them! We are converting this bus into a state-of-the-art Sensory Gym and mobile clinic! It will be equipped with a rock-climbing wall, monkey bars, therapy balls, and a desk for speech-language and fine motor activities. Follow us on social media to […]

  • Relationships Before Report Cards

    Cultivating meaningful relationships with our children during COVID -19 When you remember back to your childhood, do you remember the grades you received in science class or do you remember the times you spent with your parents playing board games after dinner? It is so easy to get caught up in the test scores, report […]

  • Bubble Play and Speech & Motor Development

    Bubbles are a great activity used by ALL therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists alike. Here are 8 skills that can be improved with bubble play. We tend to always have them in our therapy toolbox. Bubbles are inexpensive, portable, AND encourage interaction. And most importantly they are fun and kids LOVE them! 1. Bubbles […]