Celebrating our Physical Therapists in October! Happy National Physical Therapy Month!

Celebrating our Physical Therapists in October! Happy National Physical Therapy Month!

What do our Pediatric Physical Therapists do?

Physical therapists are movement specialists, and they “help children of all abilities participate and reach their unique potential” – ChoosePT. Our physical therapists are experts in helping children achieve gross motor milestone and independent mobility goals through play-based skilled physical therapy training including specialty training in movement, strength, coordination, and balance. 

We work with children of all ages who are delayed in achieving milestones! This includes babies who are having trouble with tummy time, torticollis, or walking all the way up to older kids who have difficulty with toe walking, stairs, jumping, or coordination.

We can provide gross motor screenings to ensure your child is on track with gross motor skills, strength, coordination, and range of motion so that they are able to keep up with friends and participate in extracurricular activities!

We assess the need for equipment including wheelchairs, gait trainers, and orthotics. Children who require extra support are assessed and we help recommend the best equipment to achieve goals and promote independence! 

We work with you to develop a customized home exercise program to facilitate caregiver involvement in gross motor skill development to maximize your child’s potential for reaching milestones and goals!



If you have any concerns regarding your child’s development of gross motor, fine motor, or speech skills and want to find out ways we can assist, please call our office for a free consultation/screening or to schedule a full evaluation.