Speech-Language Therapy
0-6 Months
- Cries when hungry or uncomfortable
- Looks back and forth between two objects
- Makes noises other than crying
- Mouths toys
- Laughs out loud
- Pulls cloth from face
- Imitates sounds
- Interacts differently with caregivers and strangers
6-12 Months
- Responds with appropriate gestures to “up”, and “bye-bye”
- Produces 3 or more consonant sounds when babbling
- Plays simple games such as peek-a-boo
- Can point to 5 or more common objects and/or people
- Attends to pictures in books
- Brings toys to share with caregivers
- Begins to use words for a parent or caregiver and says familiar greetings and farewells
- Briefly stops an activity when told “no”
12-18 Months
- The vocabulary of up to 100 words
- Enjoys simple make-believe
- Demonstrates appropriate use of common everyday items
- Attends longer to a picture book
- Points to at least 3 body parts
- Indicates “yes” or “no” in response to a question
18-24 Months
- Language explosion; vocabulary 50-200 words
- Uses 2-word phrases
- Points to at least 15 common items in pictures
- Asks for common foods by name
- Makes animal sounds
- Uses “please” and “thank you”
- Shows pride in accomplishments
2-3 Years
- Uses sentences with 3+ words
- Uses some regular plurals
- Follows 2-step commands
- Looks at people speaking to them
- Turn-taking emerging
- Speech is understood by family and friends
3-4 Years
- By 3 years, the vocabulary of 300-500 words
- Can state full name
- Uses pronouns correctly
- Responds to simple questions
- Names at least 3 colors
- Using sentences with 4+ words
Understood by others without having to repeat words
- Using most speech sounds correctly
4-5 Years
- Communicates easily with other children and adults
- Describes how to do things
- Describes functions of objects
- Answers “why” questions
- Using rhyming words
- Speech is understandable
- Using sentences with 7+ words
- Engages in conversation