Dynamic Movement Intervention

Physical Therapy Services Utilizing Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) Techniques

Image of specialist helping childAt Therapy Innovations, we are excited to offer specialized Physical Therapy services that incorporate Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) techniques to support children with motor delays. DMI is an innovative, evidence-based approach designed to promote motor development through targeted movement exercises, helping children achieve their full developmental potential.

What is DMI?

  • Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) is a therapeutic technique used to treat children with motor delays by improving automatic postural responses to gravity and advancing progress toward ALL developmental milestones.
  • The goal of DMI is to provoke an active motor response from the child by engaging them in defined, dynamic exercises prescribed by the therapist.
  • DMI encourages neuroplasticity, stimulating the brain to form new neuronal connections that support the development of motor skills.

The Science Behind DMI

DMI is built on known scientific foundations and is backed by large bodies of supporting evidence, ensuring that this approach provides a high level of therapeutic benefit for children with motor impairments.

What Makes DMI Different from Traditional Therapy?


  • Provokes the highest level of skill and motor function.
  • Progresses support to more distal muscles, reducing reliance on hand-held assistance.
  • Promotes motor development through exposure to gravity and neuroplasticity.
  • Achieves stretch through active functional movements.

Traditional Therapy

  • Begins with and focuses on the lowest-level skills.
  • Provides proximal support and frequent hand-held assistance.
  • May lead to frequent plateaus in progress.
  • Involves passive stretching.

Who Benefits from DMI?

Image of specialist helping child using Dynamic Movement Intervention methodsChildren diagnosed with any type of motor delay, including but not limited to:

  • Down Syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Global Developmental Delay
  • Hypotonia
  • Chromosomal/Genetic Disorders
  • Spinal Cord Lesions
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Prematurity
  • Any child with gross motor delays

Regardless of the child’s cognitive level or extent of neurological damage, DMI provides beneficial intervention for all children affected by motor impairments.

When Can My Child Start DMI?

The earlier, the better!

Image of specialist helping a baby using Dynamic Movement Intervention methods

Children can begin DMI as early as under 1 month of age. Early therapeutic intervention is crucial to prevent the development of abnormal movement patterns and “bad habits.” Because we live in a gravity-dependent world, it’s important to address how a child responds to gravity early on, as these responses can become more permanent over time.

If your child is experiencing motor delays, don’t wait—beginning DMI early can make a significant difference in their developmental progress. At Therapy Innovations, we are here to support your child’s journey toward achieving their full potential!