Occupational Therapy
- Communicate hunger, fear, and discomfort by crying
- Coordinate suck, swallow and breathe
- In a supported sitting position, reaches for and grasps an object
- Transfers an object from one hand to the other hand
- Bangs two objects together
6-12 months:
- Finger feeds small pieces of food and begins to drink from a sippy cup
- Holds and drinks from a bottle independently
- Picks up small objects using thumb and forefinger
- Points/pokes with the index finger
- Scribbles spontaneously
1-2 years:
- Cooperates with dressing by extending an arm or leg
- Removes their own socks and shoes
- Attempts to brush teeth
- Indicates discomfort when wet or soiled, has regular bowel movements, and will sit on toilet supervised
- Spontaneously uses circular, vertical, and horizontal strokes when drawing
2-3 years
- Removes unfastened coats and shirts, socks, shoes, and pulled down pants; unbuttons large buttons
- Able to spoon-feed, drinks from a straw, and begins to drink from an open cup independently
- Rolls, pounds, and squeezes clay
- Threads beads on a string
- Snips paper with scissors
- Daytime control of toileting needs
3-4 years
- Manipulates large buttons or snaps
- Cleans up spills
- Dresses self completely
- Copies drawing a cross
- Copies a square
- Can cut a straight line
4-6 years
- Able to calm self down when upset
- Crosses street safely
- Knows which shoes go on which foot
- Combs or brushes hair
- Grasps a pencil correctly
- Tolerates haircuts and nail cutting without crying